Reality and unreality



di Cynthia Penna



The Plexiglas crate:
Inside the Plexiglas crate you see another body which is faded and you cannot recognize entirely the shape and the color; you have an IDEA of it but is your imagination which is playing the biggest role in to the sight.
The body is real, but entirely faded. In this case you are only imagining the reality of the piece, but you are not sure that this is the real piece.
Your imagination is going to give him a form, but you cannot be sure that that form is the real one.


The two bodies are totally forced in to a shape and one is forced inside another.  The only way to free themselves is the projection of the shadow on to the wall as it can change according to the light and the position of the light: so again the fake sight of a body gives it another possibility of shape and form.

The two bodies:
The reflection of one body in to another which has the metal mirrored  surface  gives another sight to the viewer . what you see is the fake image of the body as the one you see of yourself when you look into a mirror: it is not true but is only the reflection of your body in the mirror.
The same for this sculptures: they have a real shape, a real body and another one which is fake and is perceived only by or through the reflection.

The entire theme of the new body of works is the interaction between reality and unreality, truth and lie.